Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
The reason for the missing last payment of the BISP program has come to light

People Registered with BISP

Big news from Pakistan’s government! If you’ve not received your back payment from BISP, you won’t get it now. Why? Because lots of folks who were told they could collect their BISP money just can’t get it.

If you missed receiving your first payment, don’t worry—you’ll still get the money again. But if you received a later payment and haven’t gotten it, previous payments won’t be coming your way. You’ll only receive the current amount. The issue is that many people don’t collect their payments on time, resulting in their accounts getting closed.

اگر آپ اپنی پہلی ادائیگی وصول کرنا چھوڑ دیتے ہیں، تو پریشان نہ ہوں- آپ کو پھر بھی رقم دوبارہ مل جائے گی۔ لیکن اگر آپ کو بعد میں ادائیگی موصول ہوئی ہے اور آپ نے اسے حاصل نہیں کیا ہے، تو پچھلی ادائیگیاں آپ کے راستے میں نہیں آئیں گی۔ آپ صرف موجودہ رقم وصول کریں گے۔ مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ بہت سے لوگ اپنی ادائیگیاں وقت پر جمع نہیں کر پاتے جس کے نتیجے میں ان کے اکاؤنٹس بند ہو جاتے ہیں۔

The Main Reason for No Previous Payment from BISP

Here’s the deal: Back payments are canceled because many folks are withdrawing BISP funds late. If you haven’t gotten your amount yet, hurry! It’s important to collect it soon.

If you didn’t receive last month’s payment, it’s gone now. Pakistan’s government has confirmed a decision—no more old payments will be made. You will only get the current month’s amount: that’s 10,500 rupees. So, if you haven’t seen your money yet, act quickly!

How to Get Previous BISP Payments

Want to know how to grab past amounts? Well, guess what? Don’t bother! There won’t be any old amounts given out now. Focus instead on getting your money for this month. If you haven’t received this month’s cash yet, make sure to do so ASAP.

If you don’t claim your money, you might not get your next payment either! So hustle up and take care of it soon. Missing two or three payments might even disqualify you from the program! We’re sharing all this info to keep you in the loop.

When Will New Payments for BISP Start?

Curious about when new payments begin? Good news! The new amount will be out soon. Right now, BISP payments are happening! A lot of folks are already getting their money.

So if you haven’t collected yours, go get it quick! There are around 10 to 15 locations set up right now for distributing these funds meant for those in need. Don’t wait—get your money!

Wrapping It Up

Right now, many people aren’t receiving previous BISP payments. It’s really unfortunate if you’ve missed out on getting your cash on time; that’s why you won’t be getting those back payments anymore.

Keep this in mind: get your latest payout as fast as possible. Missing one or two could lead to disqualification from the program! So make sure to stay on top of things and collect your funds poky-chow.


What’s the latest from Pakistan’s government about BISP payments?

If you’ve not received back payments, they’re not being issued anymore.

Why aren’t some people receiving their BISP cash?

A lot of folks aren’t collecting their funds when they should be, causing payment stops.

What should beneficiaries do if past payments are missing?

Focus on grabbing this month’s payment instead of stressing over past amounts.

How much is the new amount under BISP for this month?

It’s set at 10,500 rupees.

What happens if someone keeps missing multiple BISP payments?

They risk being disqualified from the BISP program altogether.

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